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Alligators and Crocodiles Around The World

Alligators and Crocodiles Around The World

We deal with alligators here in Florida and the rest of the United States, but there are alligators and crocodiles around the world all different sizes.   Here we are going to dig deep into the largest from around the globe.                                                                                                                          Our first stop is in Louisiana where they caught a 19 ft 2 in, 2000 pound alligator, but that alligator is hard to prove as fact since this was back in 1890.  So as it sits right now, the largest alligator caught in the United States is the Stokes Alligator (named after the family that captured it) on record at 15 ft 9 in!!   The alligator is out on display at Mann Wildlife Learning Museum in Alabama.                                                  In Florida, per Florida Wildlife Commission, the largest alligator caught is 14 ft 3 1/2 in long at 654 lbs.  But, in 2016 in Palmetto, Fl there was a 15 ft alligator on one of the local golf courses.

Now for the top 5 largest crocodiles in the world…. Number 5, in Australia, we have “Brutus”, a 18 ft 4 in. croc with a front leg missing.   Number 4, we head over to Borneo, where “Bujang Senang” was recorded at 19 ft 3 in.   Number 3,  in Burundi, we have “Gustave” is right under 20 ft (19.68) Gustave is also known for the three bullet scars on his body and his right shoulder blade had a deep wound.   Number 2,  “Dominator” who has never been officially measured but is estimated that he measures up to 20 feet and shares the same waterways as “Brutus”(Australia).  Now the Number 1 largest crocodile in the world coming from the Philippines is “Lolong” coming in at a whopping 20 ft 3 in!

Alligators and Crocodiles might look similar, but they are very different.  Crocodiles are more aggressive and do get quite bigger than alligators.


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